
By Sonja Nikcevic

Ten days into the 2014 Winter Olympics, and all eyes are still firmly set on Sochi. The longest, largest and most highly covered Winter Games to date has had its fair share of drama from ground zero. With over 7000 competing athletes and almost double that amount of journalists reporting live, the sporting world and beyond has not been wanting of Sochi correspondents, for the good, bad and the hilarious. However, life and perceptions of it seem to take on a slightly altered form from within the eye of the Olympic storm, and visions inside and outside the Olympic rings might not always be exactly the same. This is what the 2014 Winter Olympics look like to those of us outside Sochi 2014’s direct glare.

rusi team gold

Photo: Getty Images

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Stories: from mythology to comic books

By Charlotte Auclair

Did you know that Superman, the most famous comic book icon, was created by a teenager? Jerry Siegel was only fourteen years old when he got the idea of creating Superman. I have been reading comic books since a very young age, and I always wondered ‘where do the stories come from?’ It is said that in one day, our brain produces as many as 50,000 thoughts. Fiction or reality, all our thoughts are based on human activity based on mundane things such as relationships, fears, wishes… Images of our daily life unfold in front of us, feed our imagination and this enables us not only to dream but also to create stories. Today, I am going to talk about comic books and about the processes of creation and imagination in stories, myths and comic books.

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The Politics of Sports

By Noort Bakx

With a spectacular opening event last Friday (although the last Olympics circle failing to open messed it up a bit, leading to some great responses) The Olympics in Sochi finally kicked off. After months, maybe years of controversy and issues surrounding the event, question is whether sports will now finally take over as the dominant factor surrounding the games. Cause that is what it’s all about, no?


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Just a day

Just to be clear about this right from the start: Personally, I’m not a fan of Valentine’s day. I never celebrated it, I have no relation with it and my (pitiable, some might say) girlfriend never got a single gift. Not because of deliberate rejection, but because of indifference. 14th of February for me never was Valentine’s day, it was just a day.i_hate_valentines_day_card-p1370222628779258148h2w_210[1] Continue reading

Your plate tells a story of class warfare

By Daniel Isler

When you chew some delicious food, and you come across something unchewable (this is not a real word), would you simply spit it on the table?  Of course not. But in large parts of the world, including China, spitting bones and other undesired food straight onto the table is quite the norm. Why is it that table manners are so different from culture to culture, and what does it have to do with class warfare and veganism?


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