A plea for shitty mobiles

By Michael Seckler

Having studied history I learned about a special group of people that has always been there. A group that we, when looking back to them, devote a pitiful smile at best. I am talking about the ones that tried to reverse the irreversible. The ones that mistook progress for a hype.

Why then, could be asked, even write about the harms of smartphones? The world will certainly not go back to the heavy, colorless and monophonic pieces of shit we started our digital careers with. Quite the opposite: With Google’s ambition to release its “augmented-reality”-product “Google Glass” in 2014 the next step of digitalisation seems just around the corner.


However, being still the owner of a non-smart – in fact pretty stupid – phone, I am in the lucky position of observing how the rest fondles their portable darlings. And I came to the conclusion that not everything about them is amazing. So here they are, my personal top five reasons why to sell your smartphone:

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